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VikingXL Customer Reviews - What time should I stop eating to lose weight?

by sherly sylvia (2021-10-20)

If you are someone who enjoys bananas, then you should pay attention the next time you decide to buy some. They are so delicious that rarely anyone can resist them, but there is one thing to keep in mind before purchasing these tropical-flavoured fruits. The ripe bananas produce a substance called Tumour Necrosis Factor, which has the ability to fight abnormal cells.
Bananas contain Tumor Necrosis Factor
As the banana ripens, it develops dark spots on its skin. The darker spots you have, the higher your quality for immunity. Hence the Japanese love bananas. According to a Japanese scientific research, ripe bananas contain TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has anti-cancer properties.
This substance, according to their study, helps to increase the capacity of the immune system. The conclusion of the study was that the consumption of ripe bananas can prevent certain diseases related to lifestyle and carcinogenesis.
The degree of anti-cancer effect corresponds to the degree of maturity of the fruit, that is, the riper the banana, the better the anti-cancer quality.
The riper the bananas, the more the quality of their nutrients increases
It is a fact that the nutrient content of fruits changes slightly as they ripen. As a banana ripens and turns yellow, its antioxidant levels increase.
In whole ripe bananas with dark spots on the skin, the starch content changes into simple sugars that are easier to digest.
In an experiment conducted by Japanese scientists, the various health benefits of different ripe fruits, such as banana, grape, apple, watermelon, pineapple, pear and persimmon were compared and they found out that the banana gave the best results. It increased the number of white blood cells and improved the body's immunity.
The recommendation is to eat 1-2 ripe bananas a day to increase the body's immunity to illnesses such as colds, flu and others.
Ripe bananas are 8 times more effective in improving the property of white blood cells
It is believed that bananas that have reached the multiple brown spot stage may have considerably more TNF-alpha - and be up to 8 times more effective in improving the property of white blood cells, than banana unblemished green skin or fresh bananas.
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-α) is a cytokine, a substance secreted by certain cells of the immune system that have an effect on other cells.
This is, indeed, useful in fighting abnormal tumor cells in the body. Research done on ripe bananas has shown that TNF-α induction levels increased markedly before the entire banana peel turned brown.
What happens to your body if you eat ripe bananas?
Ripe bananas possess anticancer agents
The research concluded that the activity of the banana was comparable to that of lentinan, a chemical immunostimulant that is administered intravenously as an anti-cancer agent. Thus, the ripe banana can act as an anti-cancer agent by stimulating the production of white blood cells in the human cell line and preventing cell mutation.
Eating ripe bananas give health to the digestive tract
Bananas benefit the health of the digestive tract in several ways. A medium banana provides 3 grams of fiber, which helps facilitate the movement of food through the digestive system.
Ripe bananas also help solidify stool and provide valuable electrolytes that are often lost when diarrhoea occurs. A 1997 study published in the journal "Nutrition in Clinical Practice" found that ripe bananas reduce diarrhea in critically ill tube-fed patients, a population prone to this problem and for whom traditional antidiarrheal medications often do not work.
Bananas are also a source of fructooligosaccharides, a prebiotic compound that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria that live in the digestive tract.
Stabilizes diabetes
Because bananas are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, they are an excellent food choice for people with diabetes. High fiber diets have been shown to improve insulin levels, which makes bananas an excellent choice
However, the carbohydrates found in bananas must be carefully recorded.
Cardiovascular health from eating ripe bananas
The high potassium content of bananas can benefit cardiovascular health when included as part of a high-potassium, low-sodium diet.
A 2011 analysis of 11 different studies published in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology," found that the more people ate potassium, the lower the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.
The soluble fiber content of bananas can also help ward off future heart problems.
Ripe bananas provide bone health
The bones can also benefit from the potassium in ripe bananas. Potassium helps regulate the pH and calcium levels in the blood and prevents calcium from leaching from the bones. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, a diet rich in potassium can help prevent osteoporosis
The fructooligosaccharide in ripe bananas can also help increase calcium absorption, which could, in turn, improve bone strength.
Note: Once the bananas are fully ripe, store them in the refrigerator to further minimize the loss of vitamins. Fresh bananas with dark spots on the skin are ripe enough to eat immediately.
Make sure to avoid overripe bananas whose skin has turned completely brown or has split in two.
Bananas improve mood and memory
Bananas may be the most perfect brain food in the world. By supplying essential nutrients for proper neurological function, bananas help the brain regulate mood and appetite at the same time, supporting important cognitive functions such as attention and memory.

Most people who want to lose weight are generally interested in reducing their body fat. But many people don't really understand how fat loss works at the molecular level. For instance, a common belief is that fat turns into energy and is burned off during exercise or when calories are reduced. While this may be partially accurate, there is a more precise explanation for what happens to fat when it leaves the body.

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