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TressAnew - What are the 7 things you need for a balanced diet?

by sherly sylvia (2021-08-12)

Among the 10 easy ways to include superfoods in your diet are acai, goji berries and their wild relatives that have been noted for their exceptional nutritional qualities, although they also come with exorbitant prices.
10 easy ways to include superfoods in your diet
The reality is that your local relatives are just as miraculous and can also vastly improve your intake of antioxidants (the nutritional foundation of the miraculous superfoods that can protect the body from conditions like heart disease and cancer). Include some of these superfoods in your diet with ten simples (and delicious!) Changes to your regular meals.
1. Sweet potatoes instead of carrots
One cup of cooked sweet potatoes provides 1,922 micrograms of Retinol Activity Equivalents (mcg RAE) of beta-carotene, twice that of carrots and sixteen times more than broccoli. Sweet potatoes provide four times the recommended daily allowance of beta-carotene when eaten with the peel. Also, sweet potatoes are high in vitamin E and lacking in fat. (Most foods rich in vitamin E, such as vegetable oils, nuts, and avocados, contain large amounts of fat.) Finally, sweet potatoes also provide vitamin B6, iron and potassium.
2. Dark chocolate or cocoa beans instead of milk chocolate
Low cocoa milk chocolate does not offer the same benefits as higher cocoa content chocolates. The darker the chocolate, the better.
As we have already mentioned, cocoa beans offer a greater number of antioxidants, fibers and magnesium without additional sugar. Chocolate contains more antioxidants than green tea, plus amino acids with low amounts of phenylethylamine and theobromine, both of which are mood elevators. Cocoa beans can be expensive and exotic (actually, all chocolate is), but they are a great option to pair with milk.
3. Kale instead of spinach
Kale has a higher level of antioxidants per serving than any other fruit or vegetable. They have a huge amount of ORACs (oxygen radical absorption capacity, a measure of the level of antioxidants in food). In fact, the more ORACs, the more antioxidants the food has) and cabbages also have three times as much lutein as spinach. Consuming the recommended quota of five daily servings of fruits and vegetables contributes around 1,750 ORAC units, but different studies suggest that the intake of antioxidants can be increased by between 3,000 and 5,000 ORAC units to achieve a significant impact on plasma and in tissues.
A serving of lettuce contains a value of 105 ORAC while a serving of cabbages has a staggering 1770!
4. Quinoa instead of white or brown rice
Brown rice is better than white rice, but quinoa is even better. It is one of the few plant foods that provides all nine essential amino acids, including lysine, making it a high-protein food.
Quinoa also contains one of the highest levels of iron in plant foods and is an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and fiber.
5. Raspberries instead of strawberries
Raspberries contain about 50% more antioxidant activity than strawberries, three times that of kiwis and ten times more than tomatoes, according to research conducted in the Netherlands and published in the journal BioFactors.
The major antioxidant contribution of raspberries is found in ellagitannins, a family of chemical compounds almost unique to raspberries.
6. Watercress instead of green salads
The delicious watercress provides more iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, potassium and vitamins C, B1, B6, K and E than apples, broccoli and tomatoes.
At the same weight, watercress contains more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than an orange, and more absorbable iron than spinach (spinach contains a lot of lactic acid, which blocks the natural absorption of iron). And a 100-gram serving of watercress contains more than the recommended daily amount of potassium.
7. Papayas instead of oranges
Oranges are amazing, but papayas are also an excellent source of beta-carotene and vitamin C and E, three super powerful antioxidants. Papayas rank among the top five fresh fruits (along with guava, watermelon, grapes, and kiwi, and well above oranges, apples, and bananas) for their content of six key nutrients: vitamin C, folates, potassium, iron, calcium, and fibers, in addition to carotenes.
On the other hand, papayas contain numerous enzymes that stimulate stomach secretion and promote digestion. Among them, papain and chymodiactin. This fruit is also an excellent source of vitamins A and B, calcium, and potassium.
8. Popcorn for Pretzels
Many lovers of healthy eating have given up on potato chips and pretzels, but eating popcorn is a real nutritional boost. A recent study found that the amount of antioxidant polyphenols in popcorn was 300 mg per serving, compared to 114 mg per serving for corn and 160 mg per serving for fruit.
Additionally, one serving of popcorn provides about 13% of the recommended daily intake of polyphenols. And don't forget that popcorn is also whole grains.
9. Green soybean pods instead of other beans
Green soy beans (the unripe version of soybeans or soybeans) contain higher levels of protein, vitamin K, folates, and manganese than the vast majority of beans (chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans).
Green soy beans also provide four grams of fiber and are a good source of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K.
10. Almond butter for peanut butter
Almond butter has higher levels of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus than peanut butter. Almonds also provide more vitamin E than peanuts and generally do not contain the hydrogenated oils and sugars that many commercial peanut butters generally contain.

Hair loss is one of the most common problems affecting both men and women. Apart from genetic factors, there are several other reasons for hair loss including under-active thyroid glands, stress, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency, ageing, scalp infection, certain medical conditions or medicines, air pollution and insufficient circulation of blood. Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair a day is considered normal (Don’t worry a normal scalp have around 100,000 hair strands). However, if you start losing more than that, then it’s time to pay attention to your hair and scalp.


Forti Prime - Which fruits is good for weakness?

by sherly sylvia (2021-08-12)

Green juice is a mixture of green vegetables and fruits that are compressed or squeezed to obtain the nutrients... Read more

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