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Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies - When should u not eat yogurt?

by sherly sylvia (2021-06-21)

When looking to lose weight, the first idea is to eat less without improving the quality of the diet. Eating less is a mistake, it is necessary to change the concept.
Given the proximity of the summer season, with the bikini operation in mind, there are many (too many) who mistakenly think that to lose weight and "get in shape" you have to eat less. As we discussed in his day, not a calorie is a calorie, nor is eating less the best option: you have to eat fresh, quality food, and with an adequate way of cooking. It is not as easy as reducing your intake, since continuing to eat less amount of unhealthy food continues to do the same damage (and still does not help to lose weight).
One of the most proliferating fashions during the months of April to June is to radically change dinner, replacing it with a yogurt and a fruit, and that's it. And be careful, the yogurt is skimmed, so that its caloric density is lower if possible. And after this, to sleep, that tomorrow will be another day.
This is a mistake, since it takes the hypothesis that "you have to eat less to lose weight" to the extreme. Let's see why.
You don't have to eat less, you have to eat better
Although throughout life we have been insisted that the percentages of macronutrients should be approximately 45-55% carbohydrates, a maximum of 30% fat and around 15% protein, the reality is that the most recent studies they do not agree much with this perspective. What all of them do share is the need to consume a minimum of protein per day, a minimum that the WHO suggests should be around 0.8 g / kg / day per person, although some studies already dare to affirm that this amount it is a mere “minimum pact” and not an ideal consumption, suggesting that it should increase to 1.2g / kg / day in a standard way, and up to 2-2.4g / kg / day in case of looking for a mass gain muscular.
From this, we can say that the percentage of daily protein should probably be around 20%, and the rest of the nutrients should depend on personal taste: ketogenic diets are based on a large amount of protein and fat, and less than 50 g of carbohydrates per day. They have proven to be a good option in many respects, although it is a difficult diet to follow for some; in fact, high-fat diets have been shown to lengthen life, although maintaining them in the long term does not appear to be easy or appropriate. What should never be sacrificed or reduced excessively is protein, and by eating less we tend to sacrifice it along the way.
In the case of the typical nocturnal yogurt and fruit, a maximum of 4-5 g of protein is usually eaten in the evening meal, a meal that although it is not usually recommended to be as strong as that of noon, is still one of the main ones for the human being. In addition, eating less and precisely in the form of yogurt and fruit is not the best option at the level of satiety, given that both types of food not only lack adequate protein intake, but also contain little fat and are largely free sugars (fruit sugar is the best that can be consumed, but it continues to be relatively easy to absorb ), it will cause a spike in blood glucose, which will quickly be counteracted in the body by insulin, something that consequently will cause us a sensation of hunger much faster than if our evening meal were more complete and varied.
Chrononutrition: the importance of knowing how to divide meals
In fact, taking into account that the main reason for reducing our intake so radically is precisely weight loss (if possible, in the form of fat), the ideal is to maintain as much muscle mass as possible, since losing weight in the form of muscle is like walking backwards. And some studies have already shown that, when it comes to protein, you should double your protein intake if you want to lose weight, something that increases the feeling of satiety and prevents muscle loss in the process. Another twist on the bad concept of "we should not eat less, but eat better."
On the other hand, it is convenient to know the concept of chrononutrition , the branch of nutrition that studies the behavior of hormones throughout the day and how their regulation affects our satiety and our appetite. As Dr. Alvaro Campillo already commented at the last ICNS Congress 2018, some studies advocate appropriately dividing protein consumption during the day. So, if you eat three meals a day, your total protein intake should be divided by the three: one-third protein at each meal. And there, if we only eat a yogurt and a fruit, we do not get anywhere near a correct protein intake at dinner.
Finally, Dr. Campillo also emphasized the myth that " carbohydrates make you fat at night ". Although the concept is relatively correct, the statement is a radicalization of it: during the night insulin, the hormone responsible for processing glucose ("sugar") from food, works a little slower, that is, there is a certain resistance to insulin. The problem arises when we exceed the consumption of carbohydrates at night, since this resistance will cause them to be absorbed worse and it is easier for them to end up accumulating in the form of fat. This resistance does not mean that we should not consume carbohydrates at night, but it is more appropriate to reduce them at this time than to do it at noon, for example.
As a final conclusion, the most appropriate way to dine, if we are looking to lose weight, is to adapt the famous Harvard Plate to our needs: proteins (to be able to be a third of the daily consumption), vegetables and vegetables, healthy fats (oil of olive, for example) and carbohydrates, depending on our needs, and without exaggerating with the amounts when dealing with the night. And if we want to eliminate these carbohydrates from dinner, it will not be a tragedy. Ah! And fruit is always a good option for dessert, whatever the meal.

There are a number of conditions that CBD is purported to help, although more research is needed to determine the potential effects and benefits of CBD. Some of the existing studies suggest that CBD holds promise in the treatment of a number of conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and sleep issues, among other things.


Stimula Blood Sugar - Is the food pyramid still accurate?

by sherly sylvia (2021-06-21)

The current nutritional pyramid, created in the United States in the 1970s, did not follow health advice, but... Read more

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