Rembalance-What relieves bloating fast?
by fiona basil (2021-06-08)
Identify the foods that cause you discomfort
Commonly, there are foods that are more difficult to digest such as grains, flours, and foods high in fat. Its recurrent consumption can cause poor digestion and with this, unpleasant symptoms such as burning in the stomach, belching and abdominal distention. When eating, you must identify which foods are related to the discomfort and reduce their consumption.
Increase the consumption of fruits and cereals
It is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and cereals (based on oats, brown rice and barley), in order to improve intestinal transit and the digestion process. Fiber works as a diluted layer that helps other foods to be absorbed, which shortens the time of digestion.
It is recommended to consume at least two servings of 100g of fruits a day, this not only guarantees the supply of vitamins necessary for the body, but also increases electrolytes, fluids and fibers, to improve the absorption process of food and with this, the feeling of bloating will not appear after eating.
Before eating, some people have a popular habit of consuming a small amount of lemon sumo to avoid the symptoms of bloating.
Increase water consumption
It is recommended to consume at least one glass for every 10 kilos of weight of the individual and add an additional glass. In other words, a person weighing 60kg will have to ingest at least seven glasses of this vital liquid a day.
Water consumption is necessary to maintain body balance, since more than 50% of the body's weight is made up of water.
Eat enough, but not too much
It is recommended that the portions of food consumed are adequate for each person. Overeating is detrimental to health, causes bloating and promotes indigestion.
In the hours after sunset and late at night, overeating produces overweight, so it is always advisable to have a healthy diet and portions adjusted to the weight of each person.
Avoid lying down immediately after eating
Naps after eating should be avoided, since when the person lies down, the stomach takes longer to empty its contents. This causes organic matter in food to begin its process of defragmentation and decomposition within the stomach, beginning to release gases. This release of gases produces abdominal distension and belching unpleasant for the patient.
Improve bowel habits
If a patient ignores the desire to go to the bathroom, suffers from constipation and / or uses laxatives to be able to evacuate, their bowel habits should be improved. It is estimated that, on average, a person in normal conditions evacuates at least once a day.
It is also considered normal when the patient has a regular bowel habit and their stools present a consistency and quantity consistent with their food consumption.
To improve the evacuation habit, it is recommended to have a balanced diet, improve the consumption of fiber and yogurt, have respected schedules for eating, rest and work; in addition to performing exercises that stimulate the motility of the intestine.
It is recommended to do at least 5 minutes of vigorous exercise during the day. Exercise has been shown to improve intestinal motility. When the intestine increases its peristalsis, it improves the digestion process, since food moves much more efficiently towards the intestine, where it will be absorbed.
See a nutritionist
It is important that the person with malnutrition or overweight problems go to a nutritionist, who is the professional in charge of measuring their body mass index, fat percentage and adapting the diet to each patient. The consultation with the nutritionist will guide the patient on which foods to consume to avoid abdominal distention when eating.
Rule out associated medical pathologies
It is important that, if the problem becomes chronic, you consult a gastroenterologist to determine if the cause of your swelling is an underlying disease that must be treated to avoid discomfort every time you eat.
Diseases such as gastritis, colic in the gallbladder or parasites, are some causes that can condition bloating or abdominal distention in a patient, so they must be treated to prevent it from recurring.
Medical treatment if needed
The doctor will assess if the patient has criteria to indicate the use of pancreatic enzymes (such as pancreatin) and anti-flatulent that improve the digestion of flours and fats. These are usually consumed before lunch or the heaviest meal.
If you’ve ever tracked your weight, you may have noticed that you weigh a little less in the morning than later in the day. This is why many people prefer to weigh themselves in the morning, although that lower scale number is not a result of fat loss alone. Rather, it’s likely more reflective of water loss. That’s not to say you don’t burn calories overnight. When you sleep, your body must fuel the complex metabolic processes that keep you alive and healthy. Meanwhile, you also lose water through your breath and sweat. Rembalance
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