Floraspring-Why Does Hunger Make Us Grumpy?
by fiona basil (2021-03-15)
Researchers at the University of Guelph, Ontario (USA), studied the behavior of mice when they were hungry.
Hunger causes hypoglycemia that leads to physiological and psychological stress. Emotional behavior is subsequently modified. This can cause a bad mood or even anxiety.
In fact, the researchers conducted a blood study in mice that had suffered hypoglycemia that had stressed them. This revealed that there was an increase in corticosterone, a hormone that is a sign of physiological stress.
Eating well is important
In humans, the repercussions of hunger must be considered, especially for people suffering from anxiety or depression. This may have implications for your treatment. It is especially important to practice healthy eating habits during patient care.
The results of this study are also interesting because they demonstrate the link between depression and diseases such as obesity, diabetes, bulimia, and anorexia. Chronic hypoglycemia can be a risk factor for depression.
Not all of us respond in the same way to this phenomenon
Not all people experience the same bad mood when they start to feel hungry. Physiology can vary from person to person. Some may skip a meal, or even have only one meal a day, even with vigorous physical activity; for others it is impossible.
The regulation of glucose metabolism, especially at the level of the hypothalamus (an area of the brain that regulates hunger and also satiety), under the influence of many hormones and neuromediators (some orexigens, others with reverse anorexic) is extremely complex.
And the issue becomes even more complicated, when we hear about the term "biological hunger" and the regulation of eating behavior: what is eating, and not simply for pleasure, but because our body really needs it.
Tips to reduce bad mood when we are hungry
First, try to differentiate between "true hunger", "biological hunger" and "stress hunger”. We know about "real hunger", when we know how our body works, and when we know how to listen to it and when it needs to be fed.
In other cases, such as during a state of anxiety, for example, one may feel the need to eat to calm this other type of hunger; it is less bad for your health than tobacco or alcohol.
But the best thing in this situation is to reduce the feeling of hunger by consuming starch and fiber during the meal (whole grains for breakfast, vegetables or fruits cooked for lunch and dinner): foods rich in starch for energy and fiber intake, so that this energy is maintained in the long term. The fibers, in fact, have the immense advantage of calming the feeling of hunger.
FloraSpring is a product that is made up of an advanced mix of fiver “super strains” that goes a long way in helping you burn fat and improve your stamina. Besides, it helps to improve the absorption by your body that further aids the process of weight loss. Another important thing that can be achieved by using the product is that you can experience great improvement in the process of digestion. It can be used as an excellent supplement that will go a long way in helping you get rid of problems associated with obesity. It will also help you by improving the overall health. Floraspring
Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices is a non-commercial initiative committed to the ethical dissemination of academic research and educational thinking. CLTP acknowledges the thoughtful dedication of authors, editors and reviewers to develop and promote this open journal initiative. The journal receives copy-editing sponsorship from the Faculty of Education at the University of Oulu, Finland. CLTP has previously received copy editing support from the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice at the University of Nottingham, UK.