Green CBD Gummies - What can I drink to stop diarrhea fast?
by arvin juliana (2021-11-02)
There are certain foods that you can eat in case of diarrhea, because they can relieve it, but there are also foods that you should not eat if you have diarrhea. Even those who constantly suffer from flatulence and other symptoms of irritable bowel should be careful about the foods listed below.
However, we also show that some foods that are often discouraged in connection with diarrhea can be eaten very well, if attention is paid to certain details in preparation.
What foods to avoid if you have diarrhea and which ones to incorporate
For acute diarrhea, easily digestible foods, such as carrots with potatoes, are especially indicated. However, these two foods also depend on how you prepare them. Because fat-based fries certainly wouldn't be great for diarrhea and also a cream sauce on carrots, veggies wouldn't be as good with that much seasoning.
At the same time, there are certain foods that should be avoided if you have diarrhea in any case, especially those that can provoke bouts of diarrhea even in healthy people, such as an excess of sugar alcohols (e.g., sorbitol, xylitol, etc.) or cabbage. Cooked.
If you eat some of these things in case of diarrhea, you would delay the cure unnecessarily or even aggravate the diarrhea.
Since some foods should be avoided in case of diarrhea (alcohol, meat), even healthy foods, the risk of severe diarrheal attacks is significantly lower in those who already know how it works and possibly watch their diet.
In case of diarrhea, do not eat or drink these foods:
The following foods should be avoided if you have diarrhea, or at least the following instructions should be considered:
1. Milk and dairy products.
Lactose is considered a mild laxative. However, when you have diarrhea, it can do much more than just a laxative. Also, intestinal infections cause less lactase in the intestine than normal. Lactase is the enzyme necessary to digest lactose.
Therefore, if you have diarrhea, do not drink milk or eat yogurt, do not eat any milk chocolate snacks or ice cream, and do not add condensed milk in your coffee, although coffee is not recommended when there is diarrhea (see below).
Of course, whey protein shakes are taboo. Because whey powder is considered the leading supplier of lactose. In general, anything that contains powdered milk in any form should be avoided.
This mainly refers to many finished products, such as prepared sauces, prepared soups, sweets, and much more, which usually contain many additives in many different forms, which are anything but ideal foods for an illness like diarrhea.
Some dairy products, like plain yogurt or hard cheese, contain little or no lactose, so they can basically be eaten, but only in low-fat versions. But cheese mostly contains a lot of salt, which again is contraindicated in case of diarrhea.
Although the body needs a lot of minerals in case of diarrhea, but certainly not only sodium from saline, but also potassium and magnesium. These two are present in cheese only in small amounts.
2. Chili peppers
The chili peppers and other hot spices irritate the intestinal mucosa, which is already irritated sufficiently worn by diarrhea. Capsaicin, the spicy ingredient in chili, is considered a trigger for diarrhea. Much of the capsaicin is found in the seeds and the skin of chili peppers, which are also difficult to digest.
One study showed that patients with diarrheal irritable bowel syndrome felt more abdominal cramps and burning in the digestive system after eating chili than the healthy group. So, if you suffer from diarrhea, it is best to avoid chili and spicy foods.
3. Coffee
Many people drink their morning coffee as a laxative, so they would suffer from constipation without their coffee. In particular, caffeine is what stimulates intestinal peristalsis and initiates a bowel movement.
In diarrhea, however, intestinal peristalsis is virtually overactive. Additional stimulation of the intestine would be counterproductive. Rather, one prefers a peristalsis reliever, which is not possible in the presence of coffee.
In addition, coffee acts as a diuretic, thus preventing the reabsorption of water from urine in the kidneys. However, in case of diarrhea, you are already battling dehydration, so you don't want to lose any more fluids due to coffee.
Of course, this applies not only to coffee, but to all caffeinated drinks, and therefore also to Coca Cola, as well as good black tea, which is considered the home remedy for diarrhea.
But black tea only works because it contains tannins, which have a stronger filling effect than the laxative caffeine.
But you can also get tannins without the need for caffeine, with a bloodroot or agrimony tea, which are drunk alternatively with mint or chamomile tea. These two calm the irritated intestine and at the same time have a mild anti-infective effect.
4. Alcohol
Consuming alcohol is not a good idea when you have diarrhea. Alcohol irritates the mucous membrane in the digestive system, generally complicates digestion and utilization of nutrients, and also affects liver metabolism extremely negatively.
A powerful liver is needed to help overcome chronic infection or condition. The alcohol also has a dehydrating effect, further aggravating dehydration is present with diarrhea.
5. Legumes
Legumes are wonderful foods, but not when you have diarrhea. Therefore, in case of diarrhea, beans, vegetables with lentils and green leafy salad should be avoided at all costs. These often lead to bloating and in some people diarrhea.
However, there are also other legume preparations that are not a problem for diarrhea, and especially for those who tolerate legumes while in good health. Some examples are soy milk, tofu, pea protein shakes, or hummus.
Of course, anyone who is sensitive to legumes without having diarrhea should not eat them if they have it, especially since there are also enough foods that have a very positive effect on the intestine in case of diarrhea.
However, legumes are a highly recommended food group that supply fiber and many vital substances to the intestines. For example, the risk of colorectal cancer is known to decrease when legumes are consumed regularly.
Intestinal polyps are less common in legume lovers than legume disinterested people.
6. Sugar substitutes
Anything that contains sugar alcohols, also called sugar substitutes (sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, etc.) should be avoided; the indication is read that excessive consumption of the corresponding foods can cause diarrhea and flatulence. This applies to gum, marshmallows, some fruit gummies, chewy candies, mustard, sauces, and some sodas, etc.
Xylitol and erythritol belong to the sugar substitutes and consuming individual amounts (in some people this may be as little as 1 tsp) can lead to bloating and indigestion. In xylitol it is stronger than with erythritol.
Therefore, when you have diarrhea, sugar substitutes are somewhat taboo. When it comes to processed products, always read the ingredient list and see if sugar substitutes are included. Because if you accidentally eat them during a bout of diarrhea, this can exacerbate your discomfort.
7. Nuts
The nuts and dried fruit are rich in insoluble fiber, which may worsen the diarrhea. Nuts are also difficult to digest and, like dried fruits, are very poor in liquid. They can cause bloating, irritate the intestinal mucosa and are not suitable for a bowel prone to diarrhea.
But you can also prepare these two food groups in more edible ways. Instead of eating them directly from your hand, you could soak the almonds in water overnight and remove the brown skin.
If you turn these almonds into almond milk or eat them very slowly and chew them well, then this will not be a problem for the intestine.
Similarly, you can soak nuts, especially dried cranberries, in water and eat them like that. In this way, prepared blueberries are even a well-known home remedy for diarrhea (which by the way does not apply to fresh blueberries, which are more digestive).
Of course, you should not eat soaked prunes in case of diarrhea, as these are themselves a popular natural laxative.
8. Meat
Anyone who craves meat during a diarrhea is not really sick (the exceptions prove the rule). The meat has an inflammatory effect, it is difficult to digest and is considered a risk factor for colon cancer, so it is not a good food for the intestine.
Meat, hot dogs, and the like can also increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and kidney problems.
9. Fruits
Some fruits cannot be well digested by the intestine during diarrhea. Of course, since fruits also promote intestinal activity due to the fiber they have, they can also exacerbate diarrhea a bit, as can be the case with grapes, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines.
But in reality the fruits themselves should be avoided, or if they are consumed, as in the case of the apple that is healthy, the ideal is to consume them cooked and without peel, since the peel and seeds are difficult to digest and irritate the intestine sick.
Highly acidic fruits should also be avoided as they can increase the burning sensation typical of diarrhea.
Grated bananas or apples (without peel), along with dried cranberries, are among the best foods available to relieve diarrhea. Its high pectin content contributes to a firmer stool, relieves inflammation and absorbs excess water.
10. Cabbage
Many people have flatulence, and loose stools after eating cabbage, some also have acute diarrhea, but fortunately only in the short term. Cabbage should therefore be avoided in case of diarrhea.
However, there is a clear difference between cooked and raw cabbage. Cooked cabbage is more likely to cause diarrhea and intolerance. Raw cabbage, on the other hand, provides live probiotic bacteria, making it a true gut remedy, but not always in case of acute diarrhea.
Many people also have trouble digesting other vegetables like cabbage. So if eating cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts is not very good for your stomach, avoid them in case of diarrhea. These contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates (rhamnose and stachyose). However, people who tolerate cabbage very well can easily eat steamed cauliflower or broccoli, even with diarrhea.
11. Carbonic acid
Carbonated drinks can inflame the stomach and intestines and are best avoided during diarrhea.
12. Foods that contain inulin
Inulin is a fiber and therefore difficult to digest. It is made up of up to 100 fructose molecules, which are tightly connected so that digestive enzymes cannot break them down.
Therefore, inulin passes through the large intestine unchanged and is processed there by intestinal bacteria. This leads to the development of gas, which is why many people develop more or less flatulence after eating foods that contain inulin.
Basically, inulin is a very positive substance because it provides nutrition to the beneficial intestinal bacteria. However, during diarrhea, inulin produces even more flatulence and even more urgency to go to the bathroom. The artichokes contain a considerable amount of inulin, but also onions and leeks, and some supplements.
Foods that you can include
Diarrhea can be quickly improved with the right foods
If you avoid the food groups mentioned in case of diarrhea, you will already be doing everything possible to prevent the diarrhea from getting worse. If you then turn to foods that have a beneficial effect on the intestine, then you can relieve it much faster.
These foods include, for example:
• potatoes,
• carrots,
• parsnips,
• pasta,
• oats,
• almond milk,
• vegetable soups (best pureed),
• bananas,
• papayas,
• avocados,
• apples,
• White rice,
• corn.
Some good drinks are warm water or chamomile tea. You will have to drink them in sips spread throughout the day. Also meals should be distributed in small doses throughout the day.
Pay attention to your appetite too. He often tells you what is best for you in case of illness! And if you don't have an appetite, fast for a few days, which is a blessing, especially when you have diarrhea and other digestive problems.
The best home remedy for diarrhea: Moro's soup
A specially prepared soup, also considered to be the remedy to curb diarrhea of almost any kind is Moro's carrot soup, which was developed by pediatrician Ernst Moro in the early 20th century. He was able to save many children with his soup during this time, when there were no antibiotics.
Moro soup is boiled for at least 1.5 hours. During this time, so-called oligogalacturonic acids are produced in carrots, which prevents harmful bacteria in the intestine from sticking to the intestinal lining.
CBD creams are topical lotions that contain cannabidiol along with other natural healing ingredients. Applying these creams to your skin can produce soothing, pain-relieving effects without the need for any harsh chemicals you may find in traditional healing or cooling creams.
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