G-Force Teeth-What are you lacking if your always cold?
by fiona basil (2021-04-17)
10 reasons to be constantly cold
Perhaps it is time to review what is happening to your body when in the middle of summer, even when others are uncovered by the heat, you are wearing a sweater. Leaving aside certain conditions, such as the physiology of women and other normal aspects that cause us to have body cooling, not only in women but also in men, there are several causes that are important and that set a pattern that you may have to change to stop being cold all the time.
The following list will give you a sign of the possible causes of being cold that may be indicating a serious health problem.
Be a thin person
Being relatively underweight equates to a body with less body fat. When you are on a weight loss regimen, you are usually also on a diet where you reduce the intake of certain foods that generate energy and therefore heat. Eliminating many calories from the diet slows down the metabolism. If you are on such a regimen, consider a healthy diet with the right amount of protein, fat and complex carbohydrates for your body and height.
An unbalanced thyroid
Another cause of being intolerant to cold can be a sign that your thyroid is not working properly, hypothyroidism to be clear, which means that your thyroid does not secrete enough thyroid hormone. When that happens, your metabolism slows down causing a drop in body heat. Fatigue, dry skin, and thinning hair are other signs of hypothyroidism.
Lack of iron
Another common cause of being cold all the time is being iron deficient. Iron is a mineral that supports the transport of oxygen through the blood throughout the body, bringing heat and nutrients to the cells. If there is not enough iron, the red blood cells in the blood do not work properly, which usually causes a feeling of body cold.
For that you need to take iron supplements, although it is through foods rich in iron that can help you the most to raise those low levels of this mineral. For example, increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, spinach contains iron, meat and eggs (eat them organic), and seafood are good options for you to consider immediately in your diet to increase iron.
Poor blood circulation
If only your hands and feet are always cold, you may be suffering from poor circulation. When you do not have good circulation, the blood does not reach the extremities in sufficient quantities, which may be causing that feeling of body cold. Cardiovascular disease could be one of the causes, as well, that makes the heart not pump blood efficiently, also an arterial obstruction, if there were any, it will prevent the blood from reaching the feet and hands properly. Tobacco is also a possible cause as it constricts the blood vessels.
You don't get enough sleep
When you are not getting enough sleep that is reflected in the nervous system, which, to regulate this decompensation, will execute mechanisms that will make the body temperature drop. It is not known for sure why this is the case, but it may also be linked to metabolism. If you are tired and had a hectic night, your metabolism will slow down, that will produce less heat, and your circulation will be slower by lowering your body temperature.
You are dehydrated
When you are not well hydrated, that is, your body does not have enough water, it is more susceptible to lower temperatures, feeling a cold that is not normal. Our body is 70% water and among the functions of this element in our body, are the regulation of temperature feeding our metabolism. To stay well hydrated, drink enough water that can be up to 8 glasses of water a day, and if you train, drink more before and after exercises.
Deficient in vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is very important as a deficiency in it can lead to a low red blood cell count. That would mean less oxygen to our system, producing a series of symptoms and among them a chronic coldness. Review your diet because if you are deficient in vitamin B12, you may not be consuming the necessary foods to have it. Consume lean meats, fish, dairy products (if you are not intolerant) in your meals (always consume organic products). He also considers that suffering from a deficiency of this vitamin may be the product of a poor absorption of nutrients where other deficiencies may be involved. Review that with your doctor.
To be a woman
However, you do not have to think of your body coldness problem as really a problem if you are a woman since feeling very cold is also a gender condition. Actually, a woman's body is designed to better maintain heat in the brain and heart, which is why the flow stays a little further in less vital organs such as the feet and hands. While the core temperature in women remains even higher than in men, it is lower in the hands and feet, this characteristic being a cause of feeling cold in general.
Being diabetic
If you have diabetes and are not under control, you may be suffering from cold hands and feet. This condition is due to another called peripheral nephropathy, which attacks the nerves in the feet and hands. This condition causes numbness in the hands and feet, bringing with it a drop in the temperature of these extremities. Diabetic nephropathy develops gradually which means that you are not aware that you have it.
Exercise muscle mass
Muscle mass supports the regulation of body temperature by producing heat. If you do not have enough muscle mass that will be a cause of being more susceptible to cold. Muscles fire up metabolism. Practicing weights in the gym will help build muscle that will supply you with more body heat.
Chronic inflamation
Nowadays being inflamed does not only mean bringing gas in the belly. Inflammation has become a disease of many today where diseases of all kinds are involved. Inflammation is a response of the body that something is wrong and the immune system responds with an inflamed body, it is a defense system. It can be a virus, an infection, or even worse: the body defending itself, which is known as autoimmunity. Visit your doctor if you have a constant feeling of cold as you may be suffering from chronic inflammation that can be related to chronic, autoimmune or degenerative diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, lupus, and more.
If you are what you eat, that's even more true for your teeth and gums. When you drink and eat starchy or sugary foods, you're not only feeding yourself. You're also feeding the germs (bacteria) that can cause tooth decay and gum disease in your mouth. Plaque is a thin, invisible, sticky film of sticky bacteria and other materials. It covers all the surfaces of all your teeth. When sugars or starches in your mouth come in contact with plaque, acids form. These acids can attack your teeth for 20 minutes or longer after you finish eating. G-Force Teeth
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